quinta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2009
domingo, 22 de novembro de 2009
terça-feira, 13 de outubro de 2009
segunda-feira, 5 de outubro de 2009
sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2009
segunda-feira, 29 de junho de 2009
segunda-feira, 15 de junho de 2009
domingo, 7 de junho de 2009
My Routine

I wake up at twenty- five past seven but I get up at half past seven. Then I go to the bathroom and wash my face.
At a quarter to eight I have breakfast. Afterwards I go to my bedroom and dress myself .
After that I wash my teeth and comb my hair.
When I look at my watch it’s time to go to school
I go to school on foot at ten past eight. I have lessons, play with my friends, have lunch at a quarter past one, have more lessons after lunch, play again with my friends and then it’s time to go home at twenty-five to five.
When I get home I wash my hands and eat delicious sandwiches and a glass of milk or juice with my mum in the kitchen.
I go to my bedroom at half past five and do my homework, after this I have a shower, because I always have shower before dinner .
I always have dinner at eight o’clock, then I watch
my favourite programme, which starts at half past eight. This programme is great !!!
I go to the bathroom at twenty past nine ,brush my teeth and go to bed at half past nine. Sometimes I read a book before I go to sleep.
terça-feira, 2 de junho de 2009

I get up at seven o’clock. I go to the bathroom and I wash my face and I brush my teeth. I get dressed.
I have breakfast at half past seven.
I go to school by car.
I have lunch in the school canteen and then I go home.
I do my homework at six o’clock.
I watch TV at seven o’clock.
I go to bed at half past nine or ten o’clock.
Bruna S.
domingo, 31 de maio de 2009

I get up at half past six.
I have breakfast at seven o’clock.
I go to school at eight o’clock.
At school we have lunch at quarter past one.
I get home at half past six in the afternoon.
I start my homework at half past two.
I watch television in the evening. My favourite TV programme is on Friday.
We usually have dinner at eight o’clock.
I go to bed at half past nine.

I get up at half past seven and I get dressed. I go to the bathroom and I wash my face. Then I brush my hair. After that I go to the kitchen and I have breakfast. I go to school by car at eight o'clock. I have lunch at half past one. I do my homework in the afternoon. On Wednesdays and Fridays I go to the swimming pool. I usually have dinner at eight o'clock. I go to bed at ten o'clock.
Ana S.

I wake up at seven o’clock.
I go to the kitchen at a quarter past seven, and I have a breakfast.
I wash the face and brush my teeth at half past seven.
I go to school by car at eight o’clock.
I start my lessons at a quarter past eight.
I have lunch at a quarter past one.
I go home at half past one.
I do my homework at two o’clock and afterwards I study.
I have diner at eight o’clock.
I go to sleep at half past nine.
quinta-feira, 28 de maio de 2009

In the morning I wake up at seven o’clock and I get up at five past seven when I have classes. I usually go to the bathroom at ten past seven. I have a shower, I brush my teeth, comb my hair and I get dressed at eleven minutes to seven.
I usually have breakfast at home at five to seven. I go to school by car at eight o’clock.
I have lessons at a quarter past eight. I go home at a quarter past one and I have lunch at half past one.
After lunch I do my homework and I study and I write some school exercises at five o’clock.
I usually watch TV at six o’clock or I play with my cousin and my dog until half past six.
On Mondays and Wednesdays I go to the choir at a quarter to five. I always have dinner at eight o’clock. After dinner I help my mother to clear the table.
I go to the bathroom at nine o’clock and I brush my teeth and I go to bed at ten o’clock. Sometimes I read a book.I go to sleep at a quarter past ten and I never sleep before praying to God.
My Daily Routine

I wake up at quarter to seven but I get up at quarter past seven.
I go to the bathroom and I wash my face.
I get dressed and I brush my hair.
I have breakfast at half past seven.
I brush my teeth.
I go to school by car with my mother at eight o’clock and I have lessons at quarter past eight.
I have lunch at quarter past one.
I go home at two o’clock and I have tea at five o’clock.
I do my homework at half past five.
I watch TV from six o’clock to five to seven.
I have dinner at eight o’clock.
I study from half past eight to half past nine.
I watch TV from half past nine to ten o’clock.
I go to bed at half past ten and I sleep.

I get up at half past seven and I go to the bathroom. I have a shower and brush my teeth. I comb my hair and get dressed. I have breakfast at a quarter to eight and then I go to school by car. I have lessons until a quarter past one. I have lunch at school and then I start my homework. I go home to tea and then I play football in the club. I go home at seven o’clock and then I have dinner and watch TV. At half past nine I go to bed.
André S.
quarta-feira, 27 de maio de 2009

Era uma vez uma família de quatro pessoas: a mãe, o pai e as duas filhas.
Um dia, foram a uma vila pequena, chamada Maiorca e, como as crianças gostavam tanto de bichos, uma amiga deu-lhes um animal. Tratava-se de uma coelha “grávida”, branca, com olhos encarnados e com ar de quem acabou de sair da cartola de um mágico da TV. Depois, a família voltou para casa.
Passados dias, as crias nasceram e, meses depois, tornaram-se adultos. Numa ensolarada tarde de Verão, os coelhos tinham tanto calor que começaram a abanar as orelhas. Os roedores batiam tanto as orelhas que conseguiram voar até aos quartos da casa.
À noite, quando a família chegou a casa, deparou-se com os quartos todos sujos, cheios de lama, pegadas e até objectos partidos. Mas, só na sala é que encontraram os irrequietos animais a dormir profundamente.
O pai, furioso com o que descobriu, apanhou-os e colocou-os no quintal, vedando bem a cerca. A partir desse dia, tiveram que alimentá-los muito para que ficassem gordos e, com o peso, conseguissem deixar de voar.
Joana P.
My Routine

I wake up at seven o’clock. I get up at a quarter past seven.
I go to the bathroom and I have a shower, wash my face and brush my teeth. Then I get dressed.
I have breakfast at quarter past seven. I go to school at twenty-five to eight. I have lessons until a quarter past one. I go home.
I do my homework. I study, read and write.
I watch TV and play till nine o’clock. Then I go to bed.

I wake up at seven o’clock.
I get up at five past seven.
I go to the bathroom and I have a bath.
I wash my face, brush my teeth and brush my hair.
I get dressed and have breakfast at half past seven.
I go to school by car.
I have lessons until a quarter past one.
I go home at five o’clock.
I do my homework at twenty five past five.
I study, read and write at six o’clock.
I watch TV from half past six to half past seven.
We usually have dinner at eight o’clock.
Before I go to bed, I pray.
I go to bed at nine o´ clock.
Ana Catarina
quarta-feira, 25 de março de 2009
A Fada dos Comboios

De repente, algo aconteceu.
O comboio avariou.
Ana não sabia o que fazer. Até que lhe apareceu uma fada muito bonita e luminosa que disse:
- Olá, Ana!...
- Espera lá! Quem és tu? - perguntou ela, assustada.
- Sou a Fada dos Comboios. Para o comboio voltar a andar, tens de pedir ao maquinista que ponha esta pequena bola num pequeno buraco que tem debaixo do seu pé direito.
Dizendo isto, a fada desapareceu!
A Ana assim fez! Chegou à estação de comboios e pôde ver os seus avós que não via há um ano.
De repente, a Ana deu um salto na cadeira e pensou:
- Afinal isto não passou tudo de um sonho.
Ana Margarida F.
A Viagem

Subitamente, ouviu uma voz que disse:
- Olá! Eu sou a Mariana!
- Olá! Eu sou a Sara!
A Mariana era muito pequenina, cabia na palma de uma mão!
- Queres vir comigo salvar a minha amiga, Árvore Chorão?
- Sim, mas onde é que é?- disse a Sara.
- Anda, eu mostro-te!
Andaram, andaram, até que chegaram a uma cascata. Era enorme…, a sua água era a mais limpa que a sara já tinha visto.
- Está ali o Chorão! – disse a Mariana.
- Porque está a chorar?- perguntou a Sara.
- Foi a bruxa malvada que raptou a melhor amiga da Árvore Chorão! Era uma rosa chamada especial.
- Uma rosa, melhor amiga?!
- Sim, as rosas são como nós. Nascem, crescem, reproduzem-se e morrem.
- Desculpa, eu não sabia que as rosas eram tão especiais para alguém! É normal!!
- Sim, mas aquela rosa é especial: é dourada, brilhante e tem o poder de curar os seres vivos.
- Então, vamos ajudá-la!- disse a Sara.
Quando lá chegaram, tiveram de enfrentar cinco dragões de cinco cabeças. Chegaram ao sítio onde estava a rosa e, para espanto das duas, viram a rosa murcha.
- Oh! Morreu! Não pode ser!- disse a Sara.
-Ufa!- disse a Mariana.
- Porque dizes “ufa”?
- Porque eu trouxe uma gota de água das lágrimas do Chorão e pode ser que cure a rosa.
- Boa!
A Mariana pôs a lágrima do Chorão na rosa e a rosa renasceu.
- Obrigada! Obrigada! Salvaram-me! Levem-me até ao Chorão.
Quando chegaram…
- Oh! Rosa Especial! Que saudades!- disse o Chorão.
De repente, a ´Sara acordou com o apitar do comboio. Olhou pela janela e viu um chorão ao pé de uma rosa!
Seria o chorão e a rosa do seu sonho?! Ou teria sido realidade?
Sara R.
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